Sebastian Sprick

Sebastian Sprick

Sebastian Sprick was born 1983 in Wuppertal, Germany. After his schooling and mandatory military service he started to study chemistry at the Universtiy of Wuppertal.

He obtained his B.Sc. degree with his B.Sc. thesis in Prof. Ullrich Scherf’s group working on small molecules based on dibenzothiophene in 2008.

Sebastian continued his Master’s study in Wuppertal and received his M.Sc. degree in 2009 working in Prof. Ullrich Scherf’s group on ladder-type porous conjugated polymers.

Sebastian Sprick joined Mike Turner’s group in November 2009 to work on “New catalytic Systems for the Synthesis of Novel Triarylamine Polymers Containing Fused Heterocyclic Rings”.

He enjoys traveling, hiking and is a sports zealot interested in various sports.